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        Limin Chemical Co., Ltd.
        New website launched

        The new website has been opened, Welcome Limin Chemical site, we will be happy to serve you, ...   >>More

        New website launched

        The new website has been opened, Welcome Limin Chemical site, we will be happy to serve you, ...   >>More

        New website launched

        The new website has been opened, Welcome Limin Chemical site, we will be happy to serve you, ...   >>More

        Pesticide Technical Materials
        Azoxystrobin 97% TC
        Captan 95% TC
        Chlorothalonil 98% TC
        Cymoxanil 98% TC
        Pesticide Single formulation
        Amobam 45% SL
        Azoxystrobin 25% SC
        Azoxystrobin 250g/L SC
        Azoxystrobin 8% UL
        Pesticide Mixture
        Azoxystrobin 200g/L+Di...
        Azoxystrobin 60g/L+Chl...
        Carbendazim 15%+Mancoz...
        Carbendazim 15%+Sulfur...
        Veterinary Medicine
        Limin Chemical Co., Ltd. is state pointed key pesticide manufacturing enterprise. Currently, it is "state high-tech enterprise", "China pesticide top 50"," executive member unit of China Pesticide Industry Association", "AAA level credit enterprise in China Pesticide Industry", "Jiangsu Province top level management enterprise".is state pointed key pesticide manufacturing enterprise. Currently, it is "state high-tech enterprise", "China pesticide top 50"," executive member unit of China Pesticide Industry Association", "AAA level credit enterprise in China Pesticide Industry", "Jiangsu Province top level management enterprise".



        Address: Economic Development Zone,Xinyi, Jiangsu Province
        Tel: +86-516-88923527
        E-mail: limin@chinalimin.com
        Website: www.nunotriplle.com
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